from the Logee's growers

How to Mount your Staghorn Fern

Materials Needed:

• Mono-filament fishing line

• Slatted mounting board or box (12” x 12”).   Use pressure treated lumber, cedar, or teak.  Other woods can rot over time

• Sphagnum moss

• Heavy-duty tacks or staple gun


Steps to Mount:

1. If you’re mounting small “pup” plants, cut behind the sterile shield frond to remove the rhizome root along with the young plant.  If you’re dividing a mother plant, cut behind the shield frond and lift out some of  the shield frond and its roots.

2. Mound up a couple handfuls of sphagnum moss onto the mounting board.  If your frond shield is very large use a larger mounting board.

3. Bury the roots in the moss.

4. Press the frond shield onto the mounded moss so it makes good contact.

5. Staple the mono-filament line behind the mounting board.  Wrap the line around the board 3 times under the long fertile fronds and 3 times above the fertile fronds.  Once secured, staple the mono-filament line to the back side of the board making sure its tight.

6. When a Staghorn is first mounted to a plaque, the mono-filament line will be visible.  As the shields grow, they will hide the line.

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